New! Situational Performance Ownership Virtual Public Workshops




The Situational Performance Ownership™ virtual public workshop offers a social platform experience for getting started and meeting your cohort. Then, the remainder of the course is taught through a half-day of live facilitator-led training with opportunities for discussion, hands-on activities and case study practice. The content correlates to each step of the Performance Ownership Process™, which parallels the Situational Leadership® methodology from the performer’s lens.

The downloadable Participant Workbook, Performance Conversation Guide and session handouts provide valuable takeaway pieces for post-course reflection and practice. 

Below is our schedule of all upcoming Situational Performance Ownership™ virtual public workshops. Registration closes one week prior to the start date.

3 products
August 2, 2024
New! Situational Performance Ownership August 2, 2024 Virtual

September 6, 2024
New! Situational Performance Ownership September 6, 2024 Virtual

November 4, 2024
New! Situational Performance Ownership November 4, 2024 Virtual
